CAE Ares Emergency Care Manikin

Provided by Medical Shipment.

Ares combines the streamlined simplicity of an emergency care manikin with CAE’s unrivaled modeled patient physiology, offering an entirely new training experience for prehospital and emergency care.


Exceptional Versatility.

CAE Ares™ solutions for hospitals and IDNs

With CAE’s unique SymEyes, two-way communication and the right blend of clinical training features, CAE Ares is durable and reliable through repeated lifesaving team scenarios. Ares was created to fulfill requirements for advanced life support training(ACLS) and emergency care management.

All In One Platform.

The strength of the Ares Maestro Platform

Developed by Limmer Creative in partnership with the CAE Healthcare Academy, the CAE Ares Learning Experience facilitator’s version will come preloaded on your CAE Maestro tablet. Use the program for pre-brief, debrief, remediation or exam preparation. Learners will be able to purchase an individual license for their mobile phones, laptops or tablets.

Ares Emergency Manakin Features.

A combination of hardware and software solutions, the Ares Manikins Feature:

Spontaneous Breathing.
Ares demonstrates spontaneous breathing with bilateral chest rise and fall, offering better realism for life-saving learning

Validated Performance Metrix The Maestro software captures learners’ CPR performance metrics for debrief, including rate and depth of compression, chest recoil, compression fractions, ventilations and ventilation:compression ratio

Manual Operation or Modeled Physiology.
The CAE Maestro software allows you to easily select manual operation or CAE’s modeled physiology, which responds automatically to treatments and interventions

Ultrasound-Guided IV/ PICC Line Training.
Practice ultrasound-guided peripheral IV/PICC cannulation and infusion with our optional CAE Blue Phantom training model insert for Ares’ left arm

Two Adult Patients. One Manakin.
Fully converts to a female with chest skin, genitalia and wig kit included, saving cost and space

CAE SymEyes display patient conditions in the Ares’ sclera, pupils and eyelids, including jaundice, hemorrhage, bloodshot sclera, keyhole pupils, ptosis or droopy eyelids and cataract

Medical Shipment embodies what the ideal partnership for CAE looks like. With an incredibly dedicated and professional staff, a wide reach in the marketplace, a solid reputation and terrific customer care, the Medical Shipment team is ‘top-notch’. With the CAE brand having such a solid reputation in the space, it’s only natural that our two companies would partner.
Brian Duffield
CAE Healthcare